Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oroonoko and Cinque

Hi guys!

I'm going to write about the movie we saw on Monday. The purpose of that post is show the parallelisms that Oroonoko has with the movie Amistad.

First of all, I'm going to inform you about the movie. It was directed by Steven Spielberg, as you may know, one of the best directors of Hollywood. The movie had its premiere in 1997. It was nominated in four different categories of the Oscar awards.

Now, I am going to compare both stories. I think Oroonoko has much to do with that movie because in a way, the story of Cinque is the same story as the Oronooko's. It is, Cinque in his tribe is quite popular, his countrymen love him and they treat him as a prince; in fact, he wears different clothes than “ordinary” people. This is the first parallelism in both stories, both characters are treated as slaves; but I think that they are not treated as “real” slaves, because Cinque is seen as one of the less hurted of his tribe and also Oroonoko in the plantation, together with Imoinda.
The second one is that some people of Cinque's tribe betray him and they capture them to be sold as a slave. This can be compared with the betrayal of the evil captain that “betrays” Oroonoko. The third similarity is the fact that both Cinque and Oroonoko try a revolt when they are treated as slaves.

To finish up, I think it was really useful because it has lots of parallelisms with Oroonoko, so we can reflect the book in the movie, that is always easier watching thing than reading it.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen!

The name of this blog is because kings in the time of the Restoration used to live in The Whitehall Palace. It is surrounded by Northumberland Avenue in the North, Downing Street and Derby Puerta in the South and the House Guards' road by the East. It is near the Thamesis River.

I have chosen this name because I want you to feel like kings and queens when visiting my blog, and I hope it will be a good place to discuss all the themes we find interesting in the lectures and it also can be a good instrument to help each other with some information of the English Restoration.